Monday, October 7, 2019

Beach Holidays Past

All art used here are under fair use.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Firmware Reinstallation App and Subjugation

Travis searched on the App Store for that new app a few in the TG community talked about. It’s basically firmware update, but now done on a phone. He downloaded the free trial version which gave him one single update. “Good enough for a try, but which ‘firmware’ to be ‘updated’ like they always say,” he scrolled the reviews as the app installed on his phone.

“Listen who’s calling back – that chap wanting to rid my ‘bullshit’ and nasty stuff,” Sean mused on his side of the cellphone. “Realized how telling people to ‘fuck off’ is nasty yourself?”

“Nah, listen, we need to reconcile, and I have got something for you, you know, to recompense. Come to my place at 8 tomorrow night…” Travis had something for him in mind, and it involved things even worse than just “bullshit”.

Just as Sean stepped in front of the door, some loud buzz dazed and immobilized him like a fly dropping down from mid-air. Stiff and unfeeling, his body was when Travis opened the door, the wood panel bouncing on him. The only “sensory input”, or something stimulating in the fainted black his mind was in, was: “Initializing… Target status: Motor functions and consciousness deactivated. Body torpid. Confirm update?”

Travis lugged Sean’s body inside, sliding on the floor without being lifted. Sean budged with the drag around the place, but “without” the pain as Travis would like to see. His body ended up on the bench, too numb to protest or anything, and every garment stripped bare except the grey boxers. The body stiffened and didn’t move one tenth of an inch - All good for Travis, who wouldn’t want to see Sean’s bare chest struggling and him yelling at how the update could “disfigure” him. All good. “Confirm Update? Yes…”

“Installing firmware update: Step One: Body proportions…” The first thing to morph was this, as the skeleton under his muscle crashed in on many places, the muscles stuck on it following, so the whole body was now closer to Travis wanted than what it was a few moments ago. Like a sexy bum should be, even though the skin stayed coarse and muscles bulky – the shoulders and belly were wrapped tightly, as if with a thick blanket. Not much else Travis could notice clearly?

“Installing firmware update: Step Two: Body texture…” Clearly it meant the muscles withering away, especially on the limbs, ending up with puffy fat under the skin everywhere. The contours of the body looked much better then – slimmer and slimmer until only curves remained on the intersex hulk of a body. 2 steps in, and a long way had been gone by the body in becoming something Travis dreamed of, something straight out of his ideals. A stout woman, with all the sexiness it could have. And it was just starting…

“Installing firmware update: Step Three: Skin…” Now it was the skin, but a lot of aesthetic changes were in place. It looked like only the body hair pulled in and the pores closed up. The curves were even more perfect with the new skin, complete refined. At least the lightly tanned tone was still there, better fitting his new identity – who was it then? Travis speculated without saying it aloud.

“Installing firmware update: Step Four: Upper body features…” What was that, a feature? What a feature! A pair of full F-cups getting ready for lactate, pumped up and filled with sweet milk, from almost nothing after the chest hair cleaned itself almost magically. They were perfectly shaped and rounded, with a little pair of pinkish nipples touching on the mounds. Big enough for Travis, who thought of ways of rubbing his face on the bunch and plugging the buds for, maybe for a few moans.

“Installing firmware update: Step Five: Lower body features...” Finally, the best and the deeply wanted part. The member, rather gorgeous for gay people as it was, retracted inside the groin like a tortoise’s head, leaving no trace of itself. The foreskin moistened as it stretched out and pulled around the growing slit, wet enough for a few rounds of inserting his own member as Travis imagined. The useless balls now dissolved around the sign of her new sex, leaving the light pubic hair behind. If only she had been conscious and moaned a bit…

“Installing firmware update: Step Six: Hair...” The brief, curly hair ironed itself into a mix of golden and glossy black, streaming behind and below the sofa’s leather. It was just some quick kind of change to signify her new self? Unkempt, but maybe she would find a mirror and comb it when she was back awake. Travis would just let her do that.

“Installing firmware update: Step Seven: Face…” Awkwardly, every organ and mark on her face, with all the deep contours of her old self, were wiped away until it was blank as a smooth egg. In the place of hawkish and deep eyes and steep, iron lips, only soft and congealed skin were left to cover what she would never need. She would never need those anymore, to save Travis the troubles of gagging and blindfolding her. Who cared about her eating and drinking? The “update” would take care of it. But Travis got what was needed, a lovely shape of her chins and a mildly peaked nose around light, smooth ridges.

“Installing firmware update: Step Eight: Voice… Error: Lips not detected…” Even so, the Adam’s apple rolled inside the throat, leaving only straightness there. No more voices of struggle for her – those would only dampen Travis’s fun.

“Installing firmware update: Step Nine: Personality and Mannerisms…” The body was just a body, without. Travis hoped this body would have a docile mind on his whim, and most likely, after all those transformations she would be a subjugated sex slave of his. He couldn’t stop thinking of all those “dresses and outfit” he would provide to her, just to reveal her “natural” sexiness. Or all the ways she would be restrained or sprayed on. Being without a mouth meant no blowjobs, but Travis had much better ways to pleasure himself in mind… She hadn’t regained her mind though, and it would be a while before that…

“Installing firmware update: Step Ten: Memories… Installing firmware update: Step Eleven: Clothing and Accessories… Abort? Yes…” Travis had something else in mind other than what would be assigned. A white lingerie to fit her new bleeding-inducing cleavage and thighs, and maybe cuffs to show who she belonged. They were ready on the lap!

“Enabling consciousness and moto functions… Update complete.” she was still there, almost motionless – almost, because her head rolled to the other side. No struggles – perfect. Travis had exacted Sean’s identity from who used to be him, as a punishment for being full of “bullshit” and “nasty”. He gained this perfected goddess of a sex slave as a by-product and his own reward – now what? The girl slowly left the pouch, crawling to the lap with some extrasensory consciousness of her covering’s place, and lightly “dressed” herself as Travis wished. Seeing without eyes? Knowing his and her place, she bowed in front of the new master, evermore…